Triple C Drug: What Are Triple Cs, Effects and Facts

triple cs drug

Combining DXM with alcohol is highly discouraged, as it can significantly increase the risk of dangerous side effects and potentially life-threatening complications. This mixture can lead to heightened impairment, increased risk of respiratory distress, heightened drowsiness, and can even induce a toxic state in the body. Both substances depress the central nervous system and, when taken together, can amplify each other’s effects unpredictably. However, at high doses, it can cause hallucinations, mania, psychosis, and other effects similar to ketamine and phencyclidine (PCP).

The active ingredients in Coricidin HBP typically have a relatively short half-life and should be eliminated from your system within a few days. However, individual factors, such as metabolism and liver function, can influence how long it stays in your system. If you have any underlying medical conditions or are taking other medications, consult a healthcare professional before using Coricidin HBP.

Professional support and help is available to help you or your loved one begin the journey to sustainable recovery. These behavioral signs are often accompanied by physical symptoms such as skin rashes, twitchiness, stomach pains, labored breathing, vomiting, nausea, and numbness in feet/hands. DXM is metabolized in the liver into dextrorphan at varying rates depending on the biological characteristics of the individual and amount administered.

Signs Your Teen or Young Adult is Abusing Triple C’s

Sure, they’re less potent and pose a lower risk than illegal street drugs or highly-regulated prescription drugs—but doesn’t to make them risk-free. If you notice these behaviors in your child, it’s wise to consider speaking with a professional therapist or counselor, regardless of drug use evidence. Long-term, Triple C abuse can also contribute to kidney stones, permanent brain damage, and liver or kidney failure.

  1. That’s important, considering just one Maximum Strength CCC pill has 300 mg of acetaminophen.
  2. Addiction – Triple C always leads to dependence and ultimately addiction despite having a minimal risk of addiction.
  3. Legally available, Coricidin HBP Cough & Cold’s appeal for misuse stems from its DXM content, capable of inducing effects similar to PCP and ketamine when consumed in large doses.
  4. Please note that users who are poor Dextromethorphan metabolizers have an increased risk of overdose if they abuse Triple Cs.

Can Triple Cs Be Fatal – Triple C’s Overdose Risk

Most triple cs drug stores know that teens and adolescents abuse the drug and don’t sell it in large quantities. Therefore, most actual doses of Dextromethorphan are not anywhere near lethal. When taken in high doses, DXM can lead to a distortion in sensory perceptions, producing hallucinations and a feeling of being disconnected from reality. This is often described as a “high” that can include visual and auditory hallucinations, altered perception of time and space, and a feeling of floating or dissociation from one’s body.


Coricidin products may contain medications other than dextromethorphan that can cause health problems. One example is acetaminophen, an ingredient that can cause liver damage in high doses. The medicine is typically safe and effective when people take 10 to 30 milligrams every six hours. Symptoms of a DXM overdose include breathing problems, increased body temperature, intense hallucinations, seizures and coma.

triple cs drug

If you have questions about your drug use or that of a loved one, please contact one of our treatment advisors at Laguna Shores Recovery today. If your child is showing them, it may be a good idea to talk to a therapist or counselor, whether or not you find any evidence of drug use. In most cases, you can’t tell someone is using Triple C by side effects alone.

The use of cough syrups as recreational drugs further expanded with the concoction known as ‘lean‘ or ‘purple drank‘, which combines cough syrup with soda, candy, or alcohol. Currently, the misuse of over-the-counter drugs like Triple C is most prevalent among adolescents, teenagers, and young adults, often glamorized in certain music and through social media. Some teens take doses of mg of dex per kilo of body weight as a standard dose. This means a 125 kg teen would take 4 packages of a 24-count pack of extra strength cold medicine to achieve this state. These are dosed in 2.5-10mg and are intended, in low doses, to reduce the effects of congestion and coughing.

The intensity of these effects can vary based on the dosage, the individual’s physiology, and other factors, such as the presence of other substances in the body. Overcoming addiction to the Triple C’s requires a structured approach, often involving multiple levels of care. People can become addicted to Triple C and other DXM-containing medications. Because Coricidin Cough & Cold and other DXM-containing medications are available OTC, they may be cheaper and easier to access than other drugs. These medications are often shoplifted, causing some stores to place them behind the counter.

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